These images should help iPhone users with Zoom in distance-learning courses or other activities. The page is aimed primarily at students; teachers may not find all host functions presented here. These images are from a phone signed in to a meeting as a student.
NEW: Instructions for screen sharing to show images or videos to others (if instructor allows). See bottom of page.
Also see
1) YouTube, How to Use Zoom Mobile App For Free Video Conferences
Watch the first two minutes for guidance on joining a meeting on your
2) YouTube, Using Zoom on your iPhone or iPad (Listen to first 4 minutes.)
Also see
1) YouTube, How to Use Zoom Mobile App For Free Video Conferences
Watch the first two minutes for guidance on joining a meeting on your
2) YouTube, Using Zoom on your iPhone or iPad (Listen to first 4 minutes.)
3) Zoom Tips, a very complete, illustrated Zoom Reference, in easy, bite-size, chewable chunks. Everything you need to know, and very easy to find your way around.
Compared to a computer or iPad, Zoom has fewer functions on iPhone, but enough for class attendance and participation.
NOTE: If you find errors or have suggestions, please send them to the email address on this page, lower right, so I can fix them.
Screen Images and Guides to Functions for iPhone Students on Zoom
General Note: Zoom controls on all screens disappear a few seconds after you last touch the screen. Touch anywhere to bring them back. If you want them on all the time (I like it that way), see bottom of this page, "Always Show Meeting Controls".
Zoom Screen After Choosing "more"
Menu options, top to bottom
• give a visible "reaction" to a comment or image (applause or approval)
• send chat message to another student, the instructor, or all (use with discretion)
• change meeting settings (includes the very handy "Always show meeting controls", which keeps controls showing all the time instead of disappearing soon after your last touch).
• make meeting image smaller
• change your background in your screen image to a photo (not always as pretty as you might hope)
• raise your hand to get instructor's attention (wait to speak until called on)
• back to Zoom Main Screen
Zoom Main Screen
For other functions, swipe left, to give this screen:
Compared to a computer or iPad, Zoom has fewer functions on iPhone, but enough for class attendance and participation.
NOTE: If you find errors or have suggestions, please send them to the email address on this page, lower right, so I can fix them.
Screen Images and Guides to Functions for iPhone Students on Zoom
General Note: Zoom controls on all screens disappear a few seconds after you last touch the screen. Touch anywhere to bring them back. If you want them on all the time (I like it that way), see bottom of this page, "Always Show Meeting Controls".
Top of screen, left to right:
• turn sound on/off
• change phone camera: back camera/front camera (front is default)
• meeting id and password
• leave meeting
Bottom of screen, left to right
• mute or unmute your microphone
• stop or start your video
• share your phone screen with the class (if allowed by instructor)
• see a list of participants
• "more" produces a menu of options shown on the next figure
Menu options, top to bottom
• give a visible "reaction" to a comment or image (applause or approval)
• send chat message to another student, the instructor, or all (use with discretion)
• change meeting settings (includes the very handy "Always show meeting controls", which keeps controls showing all the time instead of disappearing soon after your last touch).
• make meeting image smaller
• change your background in your screen image to a photo (not always as pretty as you might hope)
• raise your hand to get instructor's attention (wait to speak until called on)
• back to Zoom Main Screen
Zoom Main Screen
For other functions, swipe left, to give this screen:
When you touch the button, "Tap to Speak", you are unmuted, until you tap the button again.
REPEAT: Also watch
1) YouTube, How to Use Zoom Mobile App For Free Video Conferences
Watch the first two minutes for guidance on joining a meeting on your
2) YouTube, Using Zoom on your iPhone or iPad (Listen to first 4 minutes.)
REPEAT: Also watch
1) YouTube, How to Use Zoom Mobile App For Free Video Conferences
Watch the first two minutes for guidance on joining a meeting on your
2) YouTube, Using Zoom on your iPhone or iPad (Listen to first 4 minutes.)
Somewhat Advanced: Sharing Content (i.e., showing pictures or videos to other attendees)
Steps for showing screen content from your iPhone to all attendees of a meeting.
1) You must be Host or Co-Host of the meeting. If you are not, ask the Host to make you Co-Host.
Beware: If they carelessly make you a Host, you may become drunk with power.
2) At the bottom of your iPhone screen, touch the green button: Share Content.
3) From the menu that pops up, select Screen. (Selecting Photos is more complicated and limited -- you might not be able to find all photos, especially photo albums synched over from your computer.)
4) On the next menu, touch Screen Broadcast; then touch Start Broadcast.
4) Finally, swipe the Screen Broadcast screen upward to dismiss it (Careful: a simple touch cancels the attempt to share.), and your phone will appear to be in normal operation, but --
5) Anything you display on your iPhone screen will now be shared with meeting attendees. So watch it.
Navigate to what you want to show as you normally would when using your phone (you know: swipe, swear, touch, swear, find, sigh and smile). If you want to show photos, simply open your iPhone Photos app, navigate to the album containing the photos you want to share, and then browse them just as you would when looking at photos yourself. Navigating will be choppy, so make a move and patiently wait for it to happen. Images on the screens of your audience are larger if you turn phone on its side.
6) To end the screen broadcast, touch the red or green digital clock in the top left corner. Then swipe up to find Zoom again. If the Screen Broadcast screen is still showing, touch it anywhere to dismiss it.
Happy sharing.
Always Show Meeting Controls
If it annoys you that the controls keep hiding, find Meeting Settings on your device, as follows:
• On computer, click either one of the little ^ arrows in the lower left and pick Settings (either audio or video will get you you a big settings menu). Click on Accessibility, then check the square next to Always Show Meeting Controls.
• On pad, click More in upper right. Click Meeting Settings, and then turn on Always Show Meeting Controls.
• On phone, at bottom right, click More, then Meeting Settings, then turn on Always Show Meeting Controls.
If it annoys you that the controls keep hiding, find Meeting Settings on your device, as follows:
• On computer, click either one of the little ^ arrows in the lower left and pick Settings (either audio or video will get you you a big settings menu). Click on Accessibility, then check the square next to Always Show Meeting Controls.
• On pad, click More in upper right. Click Meeting Settings, and then turn on Always Show Meeting Controls.
• On phone, at bottom right, click More, then Meeting Settings, then turn on Always Show Meeting Controls.